In order to reduce inequalities facing the access to digital technologies in the popular commune of Abobo, in Abidjan, computer scientist friends Obin Guiako, Diabaté Abdoulaye, Beugre Dimitri, Kone Marcellin and Edwige Gbogou, have created in July 2014 the Baby Lab, the first digital technologies oriented fab lab, in Ivory Coast. Backed up by the foundation Fab of the Massachussets Institute of Technology of the US, the Baby Lab is an open space benefiting to the most where tools are displayed to facilitate the set up of collective projects to foster the sharing and transmitting of knowledge in an area where the access to digital technologies is limited. The twenty-some volunteers that make Baby Lab grow, advocate for the free digital production, while using innovative system D concepts with supplies and recycled hardware. The biggest pride of these developers is Kid Lab, a formation programm launched in 2014, targeting at young children from social centres in Abobo, consisting of an initiation to computing, electronic craft stations and even programming classes.