Created in 2016, in Nairobi, by Claire Mongeau, education professional, and Julie Otieno, computing scientist, the startup M-Shule appears like the first adaptative and mobile managing platform conceived to foster the performances of elementary schoolers in sub-Saharan Africa, aiming at stopping school failure, that concerns more than 149 millions of children. Concretely, the Kenyan young shoot makes an academic support application available to academic institutions, students and parents via tje web and via SMS to bypass the Internet acces inconvenience. The programm M-Shule is able to adapt to the learning pace, the difficulties and easiness of each and anyone while using personal data, artificial intelligence, neurosciences and cognitive psychology. Reports written by the application are sent to the parents and the schools benefiting from it in order to inform on the students’ progress and create a data base to help other institutions into adpting and optimising their formation. First tested during six months by less than 400 learners split in 15 schools of the Kenyan capital in 2017, M-Shule was officially launched in January, 2018. Claire Mongeau wishes to highlight on developing her products at the Kenyan and the Continental scales.