Initiated in 2017, Ping! Is an individual taxi company project whose fleet is to be solely composed of electric vehicles. Adam Martel Brown, CEO of the technological Senegalese company The Marbro Group, who engaged in reducing atmospherical pollution – reaching alarming levels in the capital – is at the initiative of this project. On the long term, the Ping! project should transform Dakar into a way more healthy and breathing city thanks to the exclusive use of electric vehicles, causing very little polluting gas emissions, on the contrary of combustion engine vehicles. The tests driven in Dakar are satisfying, hence Ping! hopes to expand in other cities of Senegal and other countries of Africa in the near future. At a shorter term scale, Ping! wants to act upon the well-being of Dakar’s inhabitants in fighting issues related to urban mobility and the mediocrity of services, thanks to technology. On the one hand, the service will rely on GPS geo-tracking, a remote communication control system with the driver to know of the density of the traffic in real-time and guarantee efficient circulation. On the other hand, the vehicles of the fleet are to be equipped with a broad range of commodities, of which air-conditioning and Wi-Fi, and the use of the service is only performed after it’s been booked for the sake of transparency and time-gaining, making Ping! a more viable and comfortable alternative to public transports that are overloaded and overall late.